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Closed Until Further Notice

     After consulting with my doctors and my family, I have made the difficult decision to close my appointment books until further notice rather than rescheduling all of my clients out month by month. I am diabetic, hypertensive, and asthmatic, making me very high risk. The idea of opening the door to my business and my home is just too stressful for me at this time. I simply do not feel that I can safely see clients while this pandemic is still so active. I do not know when that might change, but waiting until there is a vaccine is not out of the realm of possibility for me. I hope you'll understand and that I can be of service to you when it's all over.
                                                                               ~ Julie 
  • If you have a Groupon voucher and would like a refund, you must contact Groupon Customer Service directly as I am not paid for those until they are used. I have let them know that I am closing indefinitely and that they should refund anyone who asks. If you want to keep it, I will honor them when I reopen, regardless of expiration dates, I just do not know when that will be. 
  • If you had an appointment pre-booked, I apologize for the inconvenience and I am happy to either refund any prepaid appointments or please consider putting that credit toward anything in my online shop. If you prepaid at a discounted rate and would like to keep that discount for a service when I do reopen, please contact me directly to discuss options. Texting is best. 831-212-2653
  • I will continue to offer products for sale HERE and I'm happy to ship them free of charge or offer no contact porch pickup.
  • Please add my email address to your contacts so that when I am ready to reopen, you'll be among the first to know.
  • Please also follow me on Instagram and/or Facebook to keep in touch.
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